






Alessandra Passerini has specific expertise and is a trainer in negotiation, mediation, conflict management, including intercultural and gender-related issues. She is a professional mediator, working with several of the Italian Chambers of Commerce.

She is an accredited trainer of  mediation with several companies recognized by the Italian Ministry of Justice (Legislative Decree n. 28/2010) and also a trainer in mediation techniques, negotiation and alternative dispute resolution for several organizations. She was admitted to the Bar of Lawyers of Rome in 1992.

She studied in the United States of America in 1979-80 as an exchange student with a scholarship from AFS-Intercultura.


Involvement in Negotiation, Mediation and ADR:

Negotiation and mediation are often effective, quick and inexpensive methods of managing and resolving disputes, even in the event of litigation, and they can be a valid alternative to traditional methods, as well as an opportunity worth exploring before going to trial: Alessandra Passerini has been very active in this field since 2004.
In 2012 she published the "Manuale del mediatore civile" (Manual of the civil mediator, co-authored with Marco Marinaro and Stefano Cera), Aracne Editore (second edition in 2013).

She is also keenly interested in intercultural negotiation, intercultural learning and in gender issues applied to negotiation, mediation and leadership.

In the periodical "Human Training", she published the article "Lo stile negoziale. Una scelta 'in' genere o una scelta 'di' genere?" (Negotiation style. A general choice or a choice of gender?) co-authored with Stefano Cera, September/October 2009.

In volume II "La giustizia sostenibile" (Sustainable justice), Aracne Edizioni, 2012, she published the article "Condizionamenti e ostacoli di genere al tavolo negoziale: stereotipi, pregiudizi, dilemmi o scelte consapevoli?" (Gender conditionings and obstacles at the negotiating table: stereotypes, prejudices, dilemmas or voluntary choices?).  

In the volume "Apprendimenti di leadership tra generi. Per una via responsabile e sostenibile" (Learning leadership between genders in a sustainable and responsible way) of the Review FOR she published the article "I killer della leadership e le loro metamorfosi" (Leadership's killers and their metamorphosis), no. 96-97 2013, Editore Franco Angeli.

In the field of mediation and ADR she published several articles: "Il precontenzioso e le ADR" (Pre-litigation and ADR) in the book "Guide to the recovery of debts" (Il Sole 24 Ore, 2010); "Arbitrato e sistemi alternativi di risoluzione delle controversie" (Arbitration and alternative dispute resolution) contained in "New contracts in civil and commercial practice", Volume I updated (Utet Legal, Milan, 2008); "Le fasi del procedimento di mediazione" (The mediation phases, in Temi Romana no. 1-3 2010); "Alternative e creatività in mediazione" (Alternatives and creativity in mediation), in volume I "La giustizia sostenibile" (Sustainable justice), Aracne 2012);  “La partecipazione dei 'terzi' agli incontri di mediazione” (The presence of 'third parties' in the mediation process), contained in the supplement of the Review “La mediazione” (Mediation), Lombardo Editore, July-September 2013; "Riflessioni su consulenza tecnica 'conciliativa' ex art. 696-bis c.p.c. e mediazione" (The role of experts in mediation and in early neutral evaluation, a comparison), contained in the Review "La giustizia sostenibile" (Sustainable justice), Vol. V, Aracne      2013; "Riflessioni di una mediatrice alla ricerca di un modello" (Some      thoughts about Italian mediation models) contained in the Review                       "La giustizia sostenibile" (Sustainable justice) Vol. VII, Aracne 2014.  

Degrees and Education:

Graduate in Law from the University "La Sapienza" in Rome, 1987.
Master's degree (2° level) in Peacekeeping and Security Studies from the University Roma Tre (Faculty of Political Science) 2004.
Master's degree (1° level) in Alternative Dispute Resolution from the University of Siena (Faculty of Law) 2007.
Fluent in English, including judicial uses of the language.
Good working knowledge of Spanish and German.


Alessandra Passerini
Mediator and trainer in mediation


Cell. +39 347 4494981
Tel. +39 06 916505152
Fax +39 06 233234982